The Thing I Learned About Perfectionism

The Thing I Learned About Perfectionism

You are NOT a perfectionist.
You're simply too scared to make a mistake so you just keep avoiding the risk of failure all together.
When I first started in personal development back, I was TERRIFIED of facing the fact that the identity I'd built was on shaky ground.
I had so much resistance to doing the inner work because I intrinsically knew it would force me to admit that I was one standing in my own way.
Not genetics...
Or my father...
Or my food choices...
Or anything OUTSIDE of me.
I lived in the constant fear of getting it wrong.
Worried that I'd be a failure and people would call me a failure.
Scared of being seen for who I "thought" I really was.
I THOUGHT I was a failure.
I wasn't perfect.
But I WANTED to be.
And I thought that if I could just BE perfect, I wouldn't feel so bad about myself.
My Ego was so triggered by EVERYONE and everything that I couldn't see past the walls I'd built to protect myself FROM myself.
Humility was not even an option at that time.
I embraced the excuses as logical.
I wore chronic illness and depression like badges of honor.
And, I effectively HID behind the identity that I was 'in fact' damaged goods so I'd always have an excuse to quit before I failed.
When I learned to challenge my beliefs and take my power back, I realized that I did NOT have a be a victim to the past for the rest of my future.
I learned to question the beliefs that keep my stuck in victim consciousness.
And in turn, I was able to make room for a new version of reality that left room for mistakes...
Room for grace.
It took me YEARS to realize that I was and always will be a work in progress.
And to seek perfection is NOT in my highest good.
Excellence is where it's at.
Excellence is NOT the same as perfection.
Perfectionism gave me the excuse to never go 'all-in' for fear it would fail. So, why even try?!?
Excellence taught me that I can aim to be the best I can be, learn from my mistakes, and level up for next time...
So that each and every attempt (and there will be MANY) would be better than the last.
But giving up?
No longer an option.
If you struggle with being a 'perfectionist' I get it.
But, as you know, it will NOT give you access to a life that feels inspiring or passionate or even fulfilling.
It WILL prevent you from understanding who and what you REALLY are...
Beyond the fear, the limits, and the excuses.
Affirm that you ARE and always will be a work in progress instead of assuming that perfection is an absolute.
Take calculated risks and aim to learn from your mistakes instead of being defined by them.
Stop letting your excuses decide for you and start BEING the person you always said you'd be.
This is where life truly begins. 💖
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