5 Tips for Cutting White Sugar During Lent

5 Tips for Cutting White Sugar During Lent

Tomorrow begins Lent. We're also a few days into Ramadan.

Both of these holidays are a time of prayer, reflection, fasting.

And this year, as I'm launching a new ministry, I decided to participate in Lent.

Not Catholic, but I respect the need for 40 days of abstinence from something, a deeper dive into prayer, and the renewed habit of daily reflection.

The competitive part of me said...

"Why not just go all in and FAST like Jesus did?"

Um...hold up now, Ego.

That's a lot!

So I started asking myself a few questions about WHY I would think to do something like this?

Did I not feel like life is tough enough right now?

Am I trying to punish myself for not doing enough? (And by who's standards would that be anyway?)

Do I really think that I can manage the demands of that type of commitment with the current work load on my plate?

And being a woman, where fasting should be done according to monthly cycles, is that really a good idea anyway?

I had to take a BIG step back.

I'm the champ of taking on the MOST.

Got the t-shirt.

All the trophies.

And now because I'm officially a serial-entrepreneur, I'm also a recovering workaholic.

So I decided to do something different for the 40 days that was soothing and nourishing instead of trying to conquer and attack it like a goal.

I've spent a LOT of time on the road in the past 9 months and as a result, I've eaten out a LOT more than usual.

Which also means...

White sugar has creeped back into my diet.

Even if I'm not eating dessert, sugar is in literally everything...

From salad dressing to sourdough breads (the kind you find at a restaurant).

It's literally everywhere.

I would know.

I'm a chef.

So for this Lent, the first one I've ever officially celebrated, I decided to cut the sugar back out of my diet.

Yeah, I'll have to make sure my food is always with me.

And yes, I'll have to be even more particular about the types of places I eat out at. Thankfully, I've done this before as a competitive bodybuilder so I know how it's done.

If you, like me, are cutting it out of your life, here are 5 things to consider when ordering your food:

1. Avoid the usual culprits: desserts, baked goods, and sweetened drinks. Obvi.

2. Just because it says 'natural' doesn't mean it is free of white sugar. That's a fancy label they use to deceive people who are too lazy to read the ingredients list.

3. Non-dairy creamer is a NO go. This also goes for most plant-based milks as most of them are made with some form of sweetener to even out the flavor.

4. Opt for plain olive oil and vinegar whenever possible. Most restaurants will add sugar to their dressing to balance the acidity. This goes double for fast food spots who buy pre-made dressings. I would suggest opting for salsa or hummus in these cases but sadly, sugar is making its way into these as well.

5. Eat your protein first. And a lot of it. If you're going to have bread or carbs, have it second. This helps to balance out blood sugar and prevent a higher sugar craving.

Bonus tip: If you find yourself in the midst of a carb induced meal and realize you've just sabotaged yourself, eat some greens. The astringent nature of the greens will help you digest and balance out the 'damage.'

Whether you celebrate Lent or Ramadan or just want to make a healthier change, I hope you apply these tips into your daily life.

A spiritual life isn't just about church and prayer and all of that...

It's about honoring the body as the holy vessel that houses the soul.

Treat it with care and it will love you back

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