10 Tips for Conquering Holiday Chaos
The holidays are in FULL swing and many of you are feeling the crunch.
So let's have a little check in...
How are you feeling today?
Are you hopeful?
OR are you feeling stressed?
Or overstimulated?
See, life is hard.
But how you APPROACH it will determine whether or not it's harder than it NEEDS to be.
This year has been chock full of strange, wild, and whacky obstacles for me. Many of which were beyond my control so I had to just find a way to adapt IN the moment.
One of my friends asked me "What are you doing to cope?"
My reply: I've got a 20 year tool box to keep me grounded and on track.
I will admit, it hasn't been easy but if I'm going to toot my own horn...
And I will...
I'd have to say I'm pretty damn proud of myself for continuing to find new ways to communicate, stay focused, and stick to my goals!
Crazy to think it wasn't always this way.
Old me would have been an emotional shit show right now. 😅
And THIS is one of the many reasons I coach.
Because I KNOW that, with the RIGHT tools, anyone can overcome anything with grace and confidence!
So today, I'm gonna make this quick.
**Grab your pen and paper to jot these down for later use*
Or bookmark this article so you can reread as needed. 🫶🏼
Here are 10 tips for making it through an obstacle WITHOUT getting pummeled by it...
1. KNOW your goal. With a clear goal, it's easier to understand what to say YES to and what to say NO to.
2. Get clear on what's needed for the goal. Plan everything around that. This helps to know how much time, energy and attention span you have to give to others.
3. Self-Care is NOT an option -- it's a necessity. When your 'cup' is full, you can serve the world from the overflow. This keeps your health (mind, body, and spirit) at it's best so you aren't running on fumes.
4. Be willing to speak up for your needs. It's perfectly okay to support others. It's NOT okay to consistently sacrifice your own goals to support them. If you need time, space, or a compromise, speak up.
5. Be a martyr where it counts. Yes, we know you CAN do hard things. But being resilient JUST for the daily participation trophy, ain't it.
6. Habits and non-negotiables will free up INCREDIBLE amounts of brain space. When there are fewer things to negotiate, the brain has more energy to manage the surprises.
7. Patience is necessary but that doesn’t mean you have to like it. Worry, doubt, and attacks don’t help solve a problem. Take a breath. Ask more questions. Search for a solution.
8. Find the hidden meaning. Yes, there IS always a lesson and a blessing. The suffering will dissolve the sooner you can find it.
9. Remember that God is waiting to help you. If God placed it in your path, God FULLY intends to help you through it.
10. If you’re afraid or anxious, you’re assuming too much without knowing enough. Ask more questions. Start at the beginning instead of jumping ahead on conclusions. Be inquisitive enough to not accept things at face value.
Which once of these stuck out for you the most?
Which one hit you right in the jugular?