
Expo West: Lessons I've learned from YEARS of attending

Expo West: Lessons I've learned from YEARS of a...

So we're just two days away from Expo West and I couldn't be more excited!!! Every year I walk the aisles and come home with copious amounts of samples in...

Expo West: Lessons I've learned from YEARS of a...

So we're just two days away from Expo West and I couldn't be more excited!!! Every year I walk the aisles and come home with copious amounts of samples in...

Choices...and why you should focus more on the little things

Choices...and why you should focus more on the ...

With a month and a half into the new year, how is your progress going so far? Are you living up to your intentions?  Are you intentionally taking action to...

Choices...and why you should focus more on the ...

With a month and a half into the new year, how is your progress going so far? Are you living up to your intentions?  Are you intentionally taking action to...

What your 💩 might be telling you...and how to improve it

What your 💩 might be telling you...and how to i...

As a Naturopathic Practitioner, I speak of many things related to health with my clients. Including but not limited to: Relationships... Stress... Environment... Breathing...or lack thereof... Hydration... Movement... Food... Energy......

What your 💩 might be telling you...and how to i...

As a Naturopathic Practitioner, I speak of many things related to health with my clients. Including but not limited to: Relationships... Stress... Environment... Breathing...or lack thereof... Hydration... Movement... Food... Energy......

The Vision Board That Changed EVERYTHING...And how I lost 80 pounds

The Vision Board That Changed EVERYTHING...And ...

Simply put...I challenged my own reality.Made the decision to change it. Then followed through. But it wasn't ALWAYS that way.Before that, for the first half of my life actually, I...

The Vision Board That Changed EVERYTHING...And ...

Simply put...I challenged my own reality.Made the decision to change it. Then followed through. But it wasn't ALWAYS that way.Before that, for the first half of my life actually, I...

Do you really want a predictable life? How to choose something better...

Do you really want a predictable life? How to c...

If quantum scientists tell us that matter is mostly empty space...and the sages tell us that material things don't matter anyway... Does 'reality' even matter? In personal development we have...

Do you really want a predictable life? How to c...

If quantum scientists tell us that matter is mostly empty space...and the sages tell us that material things don't matter anyway... Does 'reality' even matter? In personal development we have...

Woman taking supplements

How supplements work...and why you need to thin...

There's a big difference between supplements and big pharma drugs... And far too many are still getting it wrong. Society teaches us that cheap, fast, and easy is what gives...

How supplements work...and why you need to thin...

There's a big difference between supplements and big pharma drugs... And far too many are still getting it wrong. Society teaches us that cheap, fast, and easy is what gives...